TCES History + mission
Thornton Creek Hatchery was built by the department of fisheries and oceans canada (DFO) in the mid 1970’s. The original purpose of this hatchery was to create a Chum run and subsequent fishery in the Ucluelet Harbour. This project utilized Japanese style keeper channels and operated successfully for a few years.
In 1981 the Thornton Creek Enhancement Society was formed to operate the hatchery as a DFO Community Economic Development Project focused on enhancing Chinook, Coho and Chum salmon in Barkley and Clayoquot Sounds. In addition to raising salmon fry, our staff conduct snorkel surveys and stream walks, collect valuable enumeration data, genetic samples and other BIO-data for DFO. we work within the traditional territories of the toquaht, ucluthaht and tla-o-qui-aht nations.
We operate a small, floating, Chinook rearing pen on Toquaht Lake. We partner with local schools by facilitating the ‘salmon in the classroom’ program, where students raise salmon fry from eggs and release them in local streams. additionally, we provide educational tours for keen visitors, grade school groups and university student groups.
Thornton Creek Hatchery is a popular destination for visitors during the fall salmon run, offering hatchery tours by donation. We benefit greatly from many dedicated and hard working volunteers.
Photo by Nora Morrison
Photo by Melissa Renwick